I am a student and amateur photographer largely based out of Colorado, where I go to school studying Ecosystem Science and Sustainability at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I find the natural world around us to be extremely fascinating, from the minuscule plants hidden beneath my feet to enormous landscapes carved by centuries of geologic processes. Through my photography, I hope to share just a fraction of our planets ecological diversity.

Though I have many hobbies, the one I am most passionate about is easily birdwatching, which I do on a daily basis and which usually complements my photography. As of writing this, my life list of species seen sits at 639, with the most recent addition being Vaux's Swift, and my list of species photographed is at least 350, though likely much higher. I am a passionate (and sometimes obsessive) user of eBird, where I submit many of my sightings and photos to hopefully play some small role in science and conservation. For those interested, my eBird profile can be found here: https://ebird.org/profile/MTgwNTI1Mg/US.

Other than birdwatching, I am often found hiking, backpacking and camping in the Rockies or the Sierras, often with friends or family. Even on my longest backpacking trips I carry at least one camera with at least one lens and some of my best landscape photography comes from these trips. When not outdoors, I can be found reading sci-fi or fantasy (check out The Expanse), playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends, or enjoying a game of Civilization VI.
Self portrait in Kings Canyon National Park
Self portrait in Kings Canyon National Park
Birdwatching in New Jersey
Birdwatching in New Jersey
Gunnison National Forest
Gunnison National Forest
Mt. Bierstadt
Mt. Bierstadt
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